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The JCB Solution

for the efficient management of construction sites in urban environments

Current situation

Aging buildings in dowtown

As numerous downtown buildings are reaching a critical point in their life cycles, many will require massive investments in the coming years to be inspected, maintained, and brought up to code. With construction sites already swarming downtown, the disruptions and nuisances they cause are likely to increase in the coming years. While city officials are implementing several strategies to mitigate these obstacles, one of the solutions lies in the upstream involvement of general contractors, right at the project design stage. Indeed, the expertise of contractors makes it possible to implement site logistics that greatly reduce nuisances, so that our construction sites do not become a constant inconvenience for the population, but a source of collective pride.

Construction sites

A host of challenges for property managers

A straightforward renovation, refurbishment, envelope inspection, or retrofit project can easily become a source of problems for a property owner. Their responsibilities to occupants, investors, employees, as well as the general public can easily come into conflict if a site is poorly managed. There are many challenges facing the owner that must be properly addressed by their contractor to ensure that the development project delivers a true return on investment.

Maintaining business

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While your real estate project is an integral part of your growth strategy, you can't lose sight of the fact that maintaining your operations and productivity is essential to the long-term future of your business. A construction site can have a significant impact on the flow of your day, the well-being of your occupants, and the productivity of your employees. It's important to ensure that your construction project is anything but a hindrance to your business.

Site attractiveness


Maintaining the peace of mind of your occupants, attracting visitors to your premises and preserving your company's reputation is of paramount importance to any property manager. Noise, dust, lack of accessibility, littered or untidy premises can seriously undermine the appeal of your business and result in significant loss of revenue.

Cost optimization


Once construction is underway, changes to the original plan can be very costly. To minimize the risk of cost overruns, it's a good idea to evaluate the constructability of your ideas well before you break ground. There are many ways to optimize your costs and save significant amounts of money. But you must be able to identify them early. A major construction project begins with proper planning involving all parties.

Street occupation

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With heavy machinery, material deliveries, and mandatory security perimeters, a construction site can easily extend beyond your property. In addition to obstructing public space, generating traffic, and impeding access to your space, public use fees can quickly become exorbitant. Without site logistics that take these inconveniences into account, street occupation can quickly become an expensive headache.

Nuisance mitigation

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Noise, dust, waste, and heavy machinery - the disruptions of a construction site can easily become unbearable for your occupants, neighbors, and the general public, especially if your construction project extends over several months or even years. There are effective solutions to minimize the disruption and negative impact of a construction site.

The JCB Solution

Customized solutions to your challenges

Occupied Site Construction

It's perfectly possible to carry out a renovation, addition or envelope project in a fully occupied building without disrupting the activities or peace of mind of the occupants. All that's required is coherent site logistics, efficient phasing and appropriate construction techniques that take into account all your business objectives.

Technology at your service

Innovation is alive and well in construction. All it takes is the audacity to apply it. The use of Quebec-based Upbrella's crane-free sheltered construction system is a perfect example of innovative solutions to consider when building, renovating or refurbishing facades. Together, we can analyze the best technological solutions available to make your project even faster and more cost-effective.

Reducing Street Occupation

At a time when motorists and pedestrians are already stressed by the numerous construction sites scattered throughout downtown, carrying out work with minimal public disruption will automatically increase social acceptance while drastically reducing your public occupancy costs. From off-site storage to efficient micromobility plans as well as the use of aerial space, our site logistics will facilitate the accessibility of your building while taking into account your users, neighbors and the general public.

Nuisances mitigation

We all know you can't make an omelet without breaking an egg. But maybe you don't have to get the whole kitchen dirty, create a ton of dishes and wake up the whole household. A well-organized construction site helps limit ambient noise, dust clouds, scattered trash, and tons of jumbled materials. Whether you want to preserve the peace and quiet of the premises by concentrating noisy work at off-peak times, contain the site within a closed, controlled environment, or apply spatial separation logic, we have solutions for you.

For an integrated approach

The advantages of JCB's solution

Reduced schedule and costs

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By involving us from the beginning of your project, we can guide your decisions and suggest alternative solutions that can pay off. We can perform a variety of value engineering analyses in close collaboration with your architects and engineers to ensure that the chosen solutions are feasible once on site. We are uniquely positioned to understand the realities of the construction industry and guide you through them effectively.

Operational at all times

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Despite snow, cold or frost, construction doesn't stop, especially with Upbrella's sheltered construction solution. Work takes place in a controlled environment, protected from the elements and temperature fluctuations. In such an optimal environment, the site can remain operational and highly efficient at all times, regardless of the weather.

Better quality of work

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We are proud to offer our workers and subcontractors safe and pleasant working environments. The technologies and site logistics we provide enable us to offer them winning working conditions that boost their productivity, well-being and, consequently, the quality of the work they perform.

Improved risk management

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By getting involved early in your project, we can quickly determine which materials will cause delivery delays, which can be prefabricated, and which should be ordered quickly. Pre-ordering not only counteracts inflation, but also avoids delivery delays, procurement problems, and schedule setbacks.

Greater safety for all

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JCB's priority is, and always will be, the safety of its employees and users. Through the various solutions we implement, we are proud to provide the safest and healthiest workplaces for workers and the general public.

Greater social acceptability

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It's high time that construction industry players are held accountable for the impact of their sites on the community. A construction project must take into account its impact on the general population, both in terms of street occupation as well as visual and noise pollution.

Want to be part of the solution?

If you're intrigued by the endless possibilities and benefits, let us know if you have any questions, ideas or plans.

What do we do?

We build solutions

By focusing on your real needs, we build living spaces that solve your challenges and propel your growth.

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JCB Construction Canada

Specializing in the management and realization of major construction projects, we carry out dozens of expansions, renovations, redevelopments, and new constructions every year for a wide range of industrial, commercial, multi-residential, and institutional clients. With the combined expertise of over a hundred employees and offices in the greater Montreal and Toronto areas, we're ready to raise your ambitions off the ground!